Benefits of Vehicle CCTV

The Benefits of having CCTV
Thanks to the rise in awareness of carbon emissions, many more people are now opting for public transport over driving their own vehicles. Great for the environment, great for coach and bus companies. However, operating large vehicles filled with people is no easy feat. They require extraordinary amounts of skill and concentration and unfortunately, high numbers of passengers can be distracting.

Having CCTV installed on buses and coaches will not only allow the driver to see what is going on while they are trying to navigate busy streets, but it will also protect them, the company and of course, the passengers. CCTV is the easiest way to do this, as they are easy to install and simple to operate and retrieve the footage if needed. This is good news for bus companies as it can be used as evidence in case any accusations are made against the company.

It can also help protect the passengers, by monitoring the drivers to see if they’re behaving appropriately, driving safely and generally not putting anyone at risk. Improving the quality of drivers often means that insurance costs are cheaper. You can also rest easy knowing that your drivers are aware that they’re being watched so will on their best behaviour. It will also reassure passengers that your coach or bus is a reliable and safe method of transportation due to the increased security.

In a world of constant surveillance, people are worried about becoming a ‘Big Brother’ state. However, many of these people are also heavily reliant on CCTV footage to protect them. In inner cities, where surveillance is high, people feel safer because they know should anything happen, there is video evidence of it somewhere. Unfortunately, people don’t always get the same feeling when on public transport, and as such avoid using it. With CCTV installed in your buses or coaches your clients can travel safely in the knowledge that should anything happen they will be covered by the evidence.

VSS903 – Four Channel Hard Drive MDVR

VSS903 – Four Channel Hard Drive MDVR

CCTV can also act as a deterrent. A lot of vandalism or anti-social behaviour takes place on board large public vehicles because the driver often cannot put a stop to it as they need to focus on driving. It can be hard to keep track of a full coach of people as well as trying to steer a vehicle that size. Having CCTV in place can prevent people from vandalising or stealing if they know they’re being watched. It can give you and your drivers’ peace of mind when travelling because they know that they don’t have to be aware of every passenger on the bus and can remain focused on the job at hand.

Most CCTV equipment comes with GPS tracking inbuilt, so you can monitor every vehicles’ precise location at any time. This can come in handy for auditing, insurance claims or claims against the company. By being able to monitor the location and movements of your buses, you can make sure that all vehicles are doing what they’re supposed to. It can increase efficiency and productivity because you will be able to see what each coach or bus does with its time.

Buss and coach tamper proof cameras

Buss and coach tamper proof cameras

A large percentage of speeding incidents can be avoided if the driver is aware they are being watched, and having CCTV on board your vehicles can reduce insurance by up to a significant percentage. Commercial vehicles make up a small percentage of vehicles on the road at just 1.7%, but these same vehicles account for 18% of accidents. These numbers can be reduced with the installation of CCTV, because everyone is more aware that they are being watched and therefore likely to behave with more caution. It can also reduce the number of false claims made against your company or your drivers – as there will be video evidence to back your company up.

Nearly every public place in the UK now has CCTV, why should a bus or coach be any different?
Contact us now at Vehicle Security Solutions on 01562 544108 to discuss your vehicle CCTV requirements and obtain a free quote or email us at:-